Truck Fuel Theft Alarm
Anti Truck Fuel Theft Alarm Installed At TCC
TankGuard is the latest product to protect truck diesel from theft.
TankGuard the Anti Fuel Theft Alarm will activate once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with a Truck Fuel Tank.
Three Counties Contracts Ltd, based in Bedfordshire, are one of the UK’s most competitive general haulage companies due to our large nationwide customer base and our vast network of contacts.
TCC are always looking to improve the business efficiency and productivity, installing incident cameras and anti fuel theft measures improves the truck efficiency and keeps the fleet moving.
Tank Guard automatically arms after the ignition has been switched off for sixty seconds.
The TankGuard Fuel Theft Alarm is a relatively easy aftermarket installation with the option of adding a second sensor for dual fuel tanks.
aide automotive can be contacted via email or by phone – 0115 8456471

TankGuard The Ultimate Anti Fuel Theft Alarm for Commercial Vehicle Fuel Tanks.