
Posts Tagged ‘Tyre Pressure Monitors’

VOSA Introduce Fixed Penalties for drivers who break regulations!

April 6th, 2009 Comments off

VOSA have stated that new powers will come into effect later this year, enabling VOSA examiners and the police to issue on the spot penalties for drivers who are breaking the rules!


Fixed penalties and possible points on driver’s licenses will be issued for defects such as faulty tyres and brakes. This emphasises the need for companies to invest in items such as Brake Testers and Tyre Pressure Monitors which will identify any defects rather than leaving discovering these problems to chance.  These products reduce risks by avoiding costly repairs and saving lives!

aide automotive launches new product! PressurePro™

April 6th, 2009 Comments off

aide automotive is proud to become the UK distributor for a Tyre Pressure Monitoring product called, PressurePro™.


PressurePro™ is a system that monitors tyre pressure, which alerts the driver through an in cab LCD screen when pressure falls below the recommended PSI. Pressure Pro enables the driver to take corrective action before a dangerous low tyre pressure situation occurs.


Simple to install and easy to operate PressurePro™ is a proactive solution that  takes the ownership away from people checking their tyres on a regular basis. This device gives both a visual and audible alert!


Phillip G. Zaroor  President, CEO and Founder of Advantage PressurePro states “PressurePro™ has been a huge success in the US and we’re now looking forward to working with aide automotive as the UK Distributor”


Follow this link for testimonials of companies who’ve been using PressurePro™ in the states.


Or contact aide automotive for further information on this product.


Tyre Pressure Monitoring Is Crucial

April 5th, 2009 Comments off

Tyres Incorrectly Infated could cost you £150 per year!

AirAlert the money saving gadget

AirAlert the money saving gadget

One of the main causes of vehicle breakdowns is dangerous tyres. Both incorrect tyre pressure and tyre tread will cause your vehicle to be unsafe on the road. Not only is it unsafe but the average driver loses £150/yr from driving on under-inflated tyres.

Problems Caused – Under inflation can lead to your tyres overheating. Over inflated tyres will lead to rapid wear of your tyres. If you are caught with illegal tyre tread you will incure a hefty fine of up to £2,500 per tyre.

 What to do?

 Always keep a spare wheel and jack in your boot, and know how to change a tyre.

Check pressure level of your tyres. To find out what level your tyres should be at take a look at your vehicle handbook or speak to your main dealer.

AirAlert is a fantastic gadget that will alert the driver to a loss of pressure, low cost and with an expected life of up to 4 years this device has a payback opportunity.

Tyre Pressure Monitoring

March 22nd, 2009 Comments off

Benefits of Tyre Pressure Monitoring


Unparalleled safety. Better fuel efficiency. Longer tyre life. Maximum performance … and you thought tyre pressure was just a bunch of hot air.


Convenience – Full-time tyre monitoring means you can check your tyre pressures from the safety and comfort of the driver’s seat. It also reduces the possibility of time-consuming tyre repairs and ill-timed flats.


Pressure Pro & AirAlert tyre monitoring systems deliver the same benefits to drivers whether they are behind the wheel of a passenger car, a powerful off-road mining truck, or a high speed race car.


Safety – Incorrect tyre pressures can compromise the stability of a vehicle, its handling and braking and, in extreme cases, could contribute to an accident. Also, most non-crash auto fatalities occur while drivers are changing flat tyres.


Fuel economy – Under inflated tyres are costing you money. According to the Society of Automotive Engineers, a tyre with an inflation level just two psi below the optimum level measurably increases fuel consumption.


Protection – tyre monitoring protects against damage to expensive tyres and wheels.


Performance – When tyre pressure is kept at proper levels, optimum vehicle braking, steering, handling and stability are realized.


Visit for the AirAlert & Pressure Pro Tyre Pressure Montioring System