
Posts Tagged ‘Trailer Diagnostics’

TrailerCheck Portable User Guide Manual

October 28th, 2019 Comments off

Please make sure you have read and understood the instructions before using this product.

Using the TrailerCheck

On opening the case you should hear a bleep; this confirms the microprocessor has powered up and the unit is ready for use. Fully closing the lid will automatically switch the unit off.

Plug the 24N, 24S & ABS/EBS leads into the trailer sockets, drop down the protection flap to revel the main control panel. Press the black 24 N button to scroll down the various normal outputs, side lights, circuit 1 & 2 indicators etc. You will hear the ticking of the relays, this switches the lights on for two seconds and off for one, operating in this way extends the battery life.

Please note that the stop lights do not flash as this would confuse the ABS warning lamp check, do not leave the lights on for any longer than necessary as this will drain the batteries

Scroll down using the 24S (green Button) to power the Reverse, Fog and Secondary ABS power. Note if the green ABS warning light flashes the correct code for the ABS system is fitted to the trailer, there is also a reverse and side light position to test the silent mode of some reversing warning devices.

To activate automatic full test, press the green 24S button until the Fog Lights LED is lit, press it once more and all the control lights will illuminate, the processor will sequence through every circuit one after the other this will be indicated by the lights moving to the next position after each flash.

Press and hold both the green and black buttons for 3 seconds, this puts the tester into diagnostic mode, this will enable the selected circuit to be powered continuously.

Pressing the red button powers the ABS / EBS via the dedicated ISO7638 lead. The EBS CAN line test is automatic and results are displayed. The Yellow In Cab warning light will flash depending on the ABS / EBS system installed on the trailer.

To save power the tester will turn off after approx. 10 mins, except when in diagnostic mode and using ABS/EBS power.

A double bleep indicates low battery, and NOTE, the tester cannot be used while on charge!

Charging TrailerCheck

To recharge, close the lid to switch off and connect the mains charger into the TrailerCheck on the side of the case. Now plug into a mains supply and turn on. Or connect to a vehicle cigar lighter

TrailerCheck ABS & EBS Fault Diagnostic

ABS – If the ABS circuit is OK you should see the YELLOW light flash on for 2 seconds and then off for 2 seconds then on all the time (this is dependant on the trailer system). If the ABS circuit has a fault the YELLOW light will be on all the time. If testing a Wabco VCS system, this light will be on all the time. If you have a fault, check all ABS sensors and pole ring with the aide automotive ABS Sensor Tester.

EBS – When the TrailerCheck tests each CAN line you will see on the front panel a HI and LO LED, if the ISO circuit is faulty the fault LED will be lit in RED under the corresponding CAN HI or LO LED, if OK the GREEN LED will be lit.

Trailer Cables

TrailerCheck has 3 cables connected to the inner case, you can identify each cable by…

Cable with the clamp – This is the ISO ABS / EBS cable

Black cable with no white front face – This is the main lighting circuit cable

Black cable with a white face – This is the secondary cable


Trailer Light Tester

TrailerCheck User Manual Quick Reference Guide

Commercial Repairs For Trailer Faults

October 12th, 2019 Comments off

With the growing need for fault finding the modern way, Code Talk Trailer Diagnostics is becoming more and more of interest to the commercial vehicle trade.

Cooks Commercials, based in Taunton consulted aide automotive of the available tools to determine faults on trailers, reviewing TrailerCheck, The EBS ABS Sensor Master & Code Talk it became obvious the full trailer diagnostic system Code Talk was the correct tool.

Code Talk is a world-renowned Diagnostics Handheld Fault Code Reader for all Trailer Manufacturers including WABCO, HALDEX, KNORR-BREMSE and specifically their trailer ABS/EBS Brake systems. This product is used by being plugged into the braking ECU and will read out and clear any fault codes that the trailer may have. The Code Talk can also show live air pressures, wheel speeds, and system voltages which also helps with the diagnostics on the trailer. It can also act as a remote to our VTC allowing you to work from inside an HGV Service Van.

With NO annual software fee with Code Talk, this trailer diagnostics tool is by far the best on the UK market. Up gradable for future proofing, the Code Talk will outlast and beat any Texa or JalTest system.

Code Talk Trailer Diagnostics is an aftermarket engineers’ diagnostic tool, designed by UK trailer maintenance engineers for engineers.

Contact aide automotive on 0115 8456471 To Discuss Trailer Diagnostics for a Haulage Trailer Fleet


24 Volt CV Diagnostics

Code Talk is the next generation of trailer diagnostics from aide automotive ltd.

Fresnel Lens / Truck Anti Siphon / Sender Unit Safe / Sensor Master Purchase Online

August 26th, 2019 Comments off

It’s Bank Holiday At #aideauto But You Can Still Purchase Any Of Our Top Sellers! #fresnel #lens #Truck #Anti #Siphon #SenderSafe #Sensor #Master. Visit the aide automotive Shop To Buy Or @ #eBay Have A Great BH!

Truck Fresnel Lens PVC
The Fresnel Lens is a clear, thin, flat plastic lens that is press fitted to a truck’s passenger door window.

Due to a blind spot, drivers of trucks cannot see smaller vehicles or other vulnerable road users which are immediately next to the passenger side door of their HGV. These unseen road users can be hit if the truck changes lane in their direction.

Truck Fuel Tank Sender Protection
Sender Safe is a new product to help with fuel security around a Truck Diesel Fuel Tank.

Sender Safe is a robust and easy to fit protective shield for a Truck Fuel Tank Sender unit, increased protection of the fuel tank filler entry by fitting anti siphon devices has meant the Sender Unit is now the way to steal fuel.

The Sender Safe unit sits on top of the fuel tank attached by the fuel tank mounting straps, Sender Safe prevents access and damage to the Fuel Tank Sender Unit.

TP UltraPlus – Anti Fuel Theft Device
TP UltraPlus is a high quality Truck Anti Fuel Theft device that helps to prevent the Fuel Theft from commercial vehicles.

This device is simple to fit, taking no more than a few minutes, with no drilling or gluing to a fuel tank.

TP UltraPlus can be fitted to all types of tank: bayonet, screw type & bus /coach.

Truck Manufacturers include, Volvo, MAN, DAF, Iveco, Scania, Renault, Foden, Hino & Mercedes

EBS ABS Sensor Tester
The EBS ABS Sensor Tester is one of aide automotive’s best selling products.

Any workshop requires fast, accurate and effective tools to diagnose faults easily and quickly. A high percentage of brake EBS/ABS faults are around the sensor or the sensor itself.

#diesel #automotive #repairs #hgv #theft #abs #transport #servicing #diagnostics #stolen

Contact aide automotive on 0115 8456471 or email


Our Top Sellers! #fresnel #lens #Truck #Anti #Siphon

Purchase Online Fresnel Lens / Truck Anti Siphon / Sender Unit Safe / Sensor Master

Truck EBS Brake Tester

July 31st, 2019 Comments off

This Is The ISOCheck EBS Plus Tool.

Designed By Our In House Tech Team The ISOCheck Tool Will Test The ISO7638 Socket On The Rear Of A Tractor Unit.

Trucks first used on the road on or after 1 May 2002 must be fitted with ISO 7638 connections. If a truck is fitted with an Electronic Braking System (EBS) and is towing a trailer fitted with EBS then a 7 core cable must be used. Trucks & Trailers with a defective EBS system (especially double decker trailers) would vastly increase the chances of roll over or jack-knife.

The simple & quick procedure of attaching the tester to the ISO7638 Truck Susie Socket and turning on the ignition will confirm Green for Good Or Red for Fault! So when the truck is returned to the road all information from the trucks ISO7638 can be trusted & proven.

Also, if the RED light indicates a fault, ISOCheck EBS-Plus will indicate which pin is at fault. Once the initial power test is complete with a RED fault light, ISOCheck will then go into diagnostic mode and flash a 1 to 7 count sequence in relation to the faulty pin.

ISOCheck EBS will test all electronic braking systems, Wabco, Knorr Bremse and Haldex, covering the differences between the early generations and the latest.

So for truck manufacturer workshops to large haulage fleets to small independent commercial repairers, ISOCheck Is An Ideal Tool!

Inspection Sheet Check Of The ISO Brake Line Creates A Safety Brake Check.

aide automotive 0n 0115 8456471

The Electronic Braking System (EBS) Susie or the ISO 7638

What Is The ISO EBS Truck & Trailer Lead?

80% Of Commercial Vehicle Brake Faults Cleared By Sensor Master

November 7th, 2017 Comments off

CV ABS & EBS Brake Repairs Made Easy!

The Sensor Master Clears 80% Of Commercial Vehicle Brake Faults

As the air braking world has changed, we have had to adapt the way we deal with diagnostic problems that can arise on our customers vehicle systems. As the air signalling system has been fazed out and replaced by the EBS / ABS system we have endeavored to keep up with the advancements in the technology and created our own range of testing equipment.
Our engineer is constantly updating the test equipment to match the needs that arise from his service visits, so are perfectly tuned to the EBS / ABS components that we supply.
Our test devices can be used in conjunction with the OE manufacturer’s testers to create a complete analysis structure for truck and trailers that is not only easy to use but also affordable to all sizes of fleet maintenance from owner / driver to multi fleet service garages.
Since 80% of all EBS / ABS problems are sensor related (Reported By Knorr Bremse & Wabco), by connecting to the sensor socket on each wheel, rather than the ECU, in effect, taking the quickest and most direct route, by going straight to the heart of the problem.
The Sensor Master DRA08 is a handheld EBS / ABS sensor and exciter ring tester, for use on trucks, trailers, and buses.
Lightweight and portable, the EBS /ABS CV Sensor Tester comes supplied with two 1.6m high quality cables, a sturdy carry case, short introductory printed manual, and a single 9V battery – everything, in fact, needed to use it straight out of the box.
Designed with ease of use in mind, the Commercial Vehicle ABS EBS Sensor Testertakes minutes to set-up, and, once connected, undertakes a complete test cycle of the six most common causes of EBS / ABS faults, at the touch of a button, in just 15 seconds – a fraction of the time it would take to perform the same tests manually.
Contact aide automotive to purchase this cost effective easy to use tester or buy online at our aide Online PayPal Shop.
Commercial Vehicle ABS EBS Tester

Truck ABS Faults Easily Found With Sensor Tester

Electronic Brake System (EBS) Trailer Testing With ISOCheck

October 11th, 2017 Comments off

What Is The ISO EBS Truck & Trailer Lead

How does the EBS truck & trailer Susie lead work?
Everyone seems to have there own ideas how it works, ranging from; “if it’s not plugged in your trailer brakes wont work”, & “it’s only a back up power anyway”
Both are incorrect!
The truth is…
The Electronic Braking System (EBS) Susie or the ISO 7638 (its correct name) is essential for the trailers Electronic Braking System (EBS) to operate correctly.
So, if a truck has an ISO7638 socket a tractor and trailer must be connected with an ISO7638 Susie and the EBS must be working correctly!
Also this means the EBS warning light the truck operator should be checking is in the cab and not the one on the trailer headboard (if there is one).
This is where the problems start, how does the EBS lead actually work, well this is how:
Pin 1 in most trucks is permanent live
Pin 2 is switched ignition live
Pin 3 is common return to battery negative
Pin 4 is common return to battery negative
Pin 5 is the warning light control (positive)
Pin 6 is “CAN” High
pIn 7 is “CAN” Low
Pin 5 which is the warning light control wire, this pin seems to be continually misunderstood. Some people think pin 5 is controlled by the trucks EBS system or even by the truck itself, both of these are incorrect, how it works is quite simple, a basic explanation is detailed below:
Power from the truck battery routes to a fuse, then to the ignition switch and then to the warning light in the dash board, finally then to pin 5 in the socket.
When an EBS Susie ISO7638 lead is connected to the trailer the trailer EBS system sees 24 volts down pin 5, which and then reduces that voltage inside the trailer ECU to below 5 volts (earth) which then activates the EBS light on in the truck cab.
Once a truck & trailer is in motion and the the trailer EBS system is happy with the wheel speed signals, the ecu then raises the voltage back up to 24 volts and the warning light in the cab goes out, if a fault appears when a truck & trailer is on the road, the ecu lowers the voltage again activating the In Cab Warning Light.(Please Note This Is a Basic Description).
An easy way to test the truck & trailer ISO Connection socket is the ISOCheck
The Electronic Braking System (EBS) Susie or the ISO 7638

What Is The ISO EBS Truck & Trailer Lead?

12 Volt Trailer Tester Includes Bad Earth Test

September 22nd, 2017 Comments off

aide auto Quickly Responds To Customer Request For A New Feature On TestaTow

TestaTow is a 12 Volt portable Trailer Wiring Tester for small Semi Trailers such as Ifor Williams, horse box, Agricultural trailers & Caravans.

Designed and built in the UK, TestaTow is probably the BEST trailer tester around.
Proving this aide automotive recently had a request to create a new feature test to determine is trailers had a bad earth. A customer reported that the NTTA (National Trailer & Towing Association) are requesting a test to determine bad earths, TestaTow is now able to conduct such a test.
As aide automotive’s technical and production facility is UK based, a new feature was programmed into the TestaTow and tested within a few days.
TestaTow now has the feature of having the Brake Lights and Indicators live at the same time, operating this dual light test would easily show a bad earth if the indicator lights dimmed when powered with the brake lights.
TestaTow is the professionals choice, portable and well constructed the 12 Volt TestaTow quickly tests any trailer without the need of a vehicle or battery. No more carrying car batteries around and DIY wire connections, built in a ergonomic housing TestaTow also test caravans with a fridge battery circuit test.
Contact aide automotive to purchase the TestaTow or ask any further questions.
Trailer Light Tester 12 Volt

Bad Earth Test On Trailer Indicator Lights

aide automotive offer a range of products to help with DVSA Guide Roadworthiness

August 17th, 2017 Comments off

CV Traffic Commissioners Review & Advice

Read Some Highlights OF TC’s Annual Report for 2015-16

Recently reported in the Transport Operator, the seven traffic commissioners (TCs) of Great Britain have released their annual report for 2015-16, highlighting a broad range of transport compliance and enforcement issues identified during the course of the year, and their priorities for future progress.

The commissioners, who preside over the eight regional traffic areas, identified key concerns with regard to operator compliance, driving and maintenance standards, as well as problem areas for the authorities themselves to tackle in order to improve the services they offer.

TC Richard Turfitt, who oversees the largest traffic area, in the east of England, said he made little apology for “sounding like a broken record” when it came to vehicle inspections.

“As DVSA estimates that half of MoT fails could be avoided by checking that light-bulbs work, the condition and pressures of tyres and that mirrors, wipers and washers work, there is further work to do,” he said.

“I am appalled by the number of operators who have not even checked whether their inspection sheets are up to date by reference to DVSA’s Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness.

“In the space of two weeks, two unconnected operators appeared before me suggesting their vehicles were being inspected against safety standards from 1972.”

aide automotive market a range of Brake Testing, Servicing & Diagnostic Tools for commercial vehicle workshops.
With the Bowmonk BrakeCheck Portable Decelerometer Printer kit, a workshop can meet the 3 additional required brake tests with minimum fuss
For Trailer Servicing & Diagnostics, aide offer a complete Trailer Electrical (ABS Light & EBS CAN Line Test), Light and Air Brake Tester with Diagnostics interface for Trailer ECU Code Reading / Clearing and management data viewing.
EBS/ABS Sensor Master testing can be conducted with the Sensor Master, while Battery Diagnostics Tests with a Midtronics MDX Battery Tester.
aide automotive offer a range of products to help with DVSA Guide Roadworthiness. Contact us via our website
Brake Tester, Diagnostics, Battery Testers

aide auto Market Truck & Trailer Workshop Test Tools

JUST Trailer Diagnostics!

August 7th, 2017 Comments off

Trailer Diagnostics Wabco, Haldex & Knorr Bremse

SWB Fleet Maintenance Waste No Time In Using New Trailer Diagnostics Kit

Aftermarket Trailer Diagnostics device “Code Talk” is an ideal cost effective trailer diagnostic tool to quickly read and clear codes on EBS/ABS braking system.
The hand set will communicate with a trailer’s ECU, reading and clearing ABS/EBS fault codes on Wabco, Knorr Bremse and Haldex systems. With this trailer workshops can eliminate fault finding by reading the ECU codes to determine where a fault lies. Being able to clear historic codes is ideal within a service and inspection. Knowing a system is clear and then reviewing to see that faults the ECU has recorded is beneficial.
SWB Fleet of Colsterworth near Grantham recently purchased a system for onsite repairs.
It wasn’t long before the Code Talk was in use and SWB tweeted…
“Delivered on a Saturday SWB Fleet tweeted later that week “@SwbFleet completing another roadside repair for @MillersRec using my new EBS kit thanks to @aideautomotive #24/7 #tryme”
Code Talk Is The Only JUST Trailer Diagnostics Scanner Available.
To purchase the Trailer Diagnostics product “Code Talk” via our online PayPal shop – Click On Purchase Trailer Diagnostics
More From aide automotive’s Matthew Burke on 0115 8456471 or
Trailer ECU Code Reader

Trailer Diagnostics With Code Talk a ECU Code Reader


24 volt Commercial Trailer ECU Diagnostics

June 23rd, 2017 Comments off

Trailer ECU Diagnostics

Code Talk Featured In Truck & Bus Product Focus

The latest Truck & Bus Product Focus feature “Vehicle Diagnostics” was released this week with aide automotive’s Trailer Diagnostics product Code Talk featured.
Truck & Bus Product Focus was launched in 2008, having an 13,900+ email database. Truck & Bus Product Focus is a weekly email newsletter to the commercial vehicle industry.
Truck & Bus Product Focus achieves an average open rate of 22.3%. The average for business to business is 5%-15%.
aide automotive’s product advert is detailed below:
JUST Trailer Diagnostics!
The Only JUST Trailer Diagnostics Scanner Available
Code Talk is an ideal cost effective trailer diagnostic tool to quickly read and clear codes on EBS/ABS trailer braking system.
The trailer diagnostics hand set will communicate with a trailer’s ECU, reading and clearing ABS/EBS fault codes on Haldex ABS, EBS Gen 1 & 2 & 3 Knorr-Bremse EBS Gen 1 & G2, WABCO ABS, TEBS ‘D’ & Latest ‘E’. Trailer EBS systems are accessed via the ISO socket.
Simple to use and operate, Code Talk makes trailer diagnostic maintenance an affordable option to any repairer or fleet workshop.
Code Talk – Trailer Diagnostics is supplied as a stand-alone purchase.
No Annual Fees!
All Cables Included!
Covers All Brake Systems!
To read more please click on JUST Trailer Diagnostics
ECU Trailer Code Reader

24 Volt Commercial Trailer Diagnostics Haldex Wabco Knorr Bremse