
Posts Tagged ‘Diesel Theft’

Truck Fuel Theft Alarm

July 27th, 2017 Comments off

HGV Diesel Theft Alarm

H Mills Transport Increases Fleet & Fits TankGuard As Standard

TankGuard is the latest product to protect truck diesel theft from HGV’s.

The TankGuard fuel theft alarm will activate once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with the truck tank.
H Mills Transport of Loughborough installed 3 TankGuard systems at the start of 2017 and with the increase of the fleet, a 17 plate Renault had a TankGuard fitted as standard.
TankGuard has a sophisticated sensor fitted externally in a discreet location on the outside of the fuel tank. If thieves attempt to remove the locked cap, or jemmy out the sender unit or in any way attack the tank, then the Tank Guard alarm will be activated. This will result in a 114 decibel alarm giving a deafening warning to drive the thieves away.
Mark Mills Owner of H Mills Transport said “Running a haulage company one of our most expensive outlays is fuel. With this I have taken the best approach to consolidate this commodity. Installing fuel tank alarms from aide automotive has further protected my trucks from the unwanted attention of thieves. Since installing 3 tank alarms at the start of the year I have further fitted a new truck with the TankGuard alarm. Having confidence my trucks are protected with a quality product gives me piece of mind.”
Fuel theft occurs in many ways, aide automotive market anti siphon devices for the cost-effective approach to fuel protection and with the Fuel Tank Alarm for the tank attacks.
Recent reports of diesel theft by removing the Sender Unit has prompted aide automotive to design another solution. Sender Safe is a robust and easy to fit protective shield for a Truck Fuel Tank Sender unit.
TankGuard can be installed by any competent vehicle workshop or by our installation team.
Contact aide automotive on 0115 8456471 or
TankGuard HGV Fuel Theft Prevention Alarm

H Mills Transport Increases Fleet & Fits TankGuard As Standard

Prevent Diesel Splash & Spill With Splash Stop

March 29th, 2017 Comments off

Diesel Fuel Splash & Spill Prevention

aide introduce Splash Stop For The TP Diesel Anti Siphon Range

aide automotive would like to introduce you to a NEW accessory for the HGV Anti Siphon product range “Splash Stop”

Following consultations with drivers and customers to discover ways of improving the anti-siphon range, it quickly became apparent that fuel splash back was a major irritation to drivers and fuel spills to managers.

With this we can now offer a Splash Stop Accessory for the Truck Protection Anti Siphon product range.

Tested and approved by drivers this simple innovation prevents fuel splash while re fueling on hands, clothes & the truck body.

Driver comment “It works brilliantly, such a simple solution to an age old problem. For all of us that take pride in our trucks it simply is a must have I recommend it. Stefan”

Splash Stop is fitted permanently if using a non lockable cap, with lockable caps the Splash Stop requires to be removed.

Priced at £4.99 + vat you can order now for fitted siphons or purchase with new orders. Contact aide automotive on 0115 8456471


Truck Anti Siphon Accessory

HGV Diesel Fuel Splash & Spill Prevention

Commercial Vehicle Fuel Theft Prevention Camera.

January 27th, 2017 Comments off

Truck Fuel Tank Camera

Truck Diesel Fuel Tank Camera With Motion Sensor

aide automotive now offer an On Board Fuel Theft Prevention Camera.

Fuel Cam has an extensive data capture memory, up to a 32GB card many hours or days of parked tank movements will be recorded.

Fuel Cam has an 8 mega pixel 940nm camera, Capable of shooting HD video and audio, as well as IR night vision, the camera will record vital
evidence of crime leading to prosecution and possible recovery of stolen items.

The system is easily installed to a truck or any vehicle. When the vehicle is parked, the camera or the Fuel Cam will start to record as soon as motion is dedicated within range, anyone walking around the truck tank or standing over the tank will be recorded.

The fuel theft prevention camera operates on 6 x AA batteries (not included).

Fuel Cam comes with mounting accessories for optimum deployment, also a Weatherpoof design.

aide automotive can be contacted via email or by phone – 0115 8456471


Diesel Theft Prevention

Waterproof camera designed for the view of the Truck Diesel Fuel Tank

Truck Diesel Fuel Theft Alarm Demo On YouTube

September 9th, 2016 Comments off

TankGuard is the latest product to protect truck diesel from aide automotive, this new fuel theft alarm will alarm once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with the tank.

TankGuard can aklso be used in conjunction with your existing security devices such as locking fuel cap or anti-syphon device.

The Tank Guard the Truck Diesel Fuel Theft Alarm will automatically arm after the ignition has been switched off for sixty seconds.

To view a Truck Diesel Fuel Theft attempt demonstration click on Truck Diesel Theft.

TankGuard Fuel Theft Alarm is a relatively easy aftermarket installation with the option of adding a second sensor for dual fuel tanks.

aide automotive can be contacted via email or by phone – 0115 8456471



TankGuard The Ultimate Anti Fuel Theft Alarm for Commercial Vehicle Fuel Tanks.

Commercial Vehicle Fuel Security

February 18th, 2016 Comments off

Truck Fuel Alarm & Anti Siphon Featured In Transport Operator

aide automotive are featured in the recent Transport Operator news paper!

The Transport Operator is a industry newspaper for commercial vehicle operators and repairers, now in print and online. Essential reading for HGV, PSV, LCV industry.

Transport Operator is a printed monthly commercial vehicle industry newspaper targeted at HGV and PSV operators and workshops. It offers a lively mix of essential industry news, details of new legislation, the latest product information and much more.

aide automotive were featured in the Fuel Security edit. Having two recent customer case studies were truck fuel was stolen with the companies taking measures to protect diesel.

Below is an extract from the editorial feature:
“Two operators have recently invested in products from commercial vehicle equipment supplier aide automotive in order to help prevent diesel theft.
Coventry-based Perry Finch Poultry recently invested in the Scania TP Anti-Siphon products for its truck fleet.

Bedfordshire-based general haulier Three Counties Contracts Ltd (TCC) invested in the TankGuard anti-fuel theft alarm from aide, which activates once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with the tank.

“TCC are always looking to improve the business efficiency and productivity. Installing incident cameras and anti fuel-theft measures improves the truck efficiency and keeps the fleet moving,” said aide.”

To review how Truck Fuel Alarms or Commercial Vehicle Anti Siphon products can help your truck fleet, please call aide automotive on 0115 8456471

Neck It FuelDefend

TP Anti-Syph, Fuel Theft Device

TP Anti Siphon products for the Scania truck fleet

November 26th, 2015 Comments off

Truck Fuel Protected & Chicken Transport Company

Perry Finch Poultry Transport of Coventry has recently purchased the Scania TP Anti Siphon products for the Scania truck fleet.

Police are continually warning lorry drivers to beware of thieves stealing diesel from their parked vehicles. I n a recent speight of truck fuel thefts around the Horsham area 200 litres of diesel had been stolen from a parked truck with another truck driver woke to find half of his diesel tank had been siphoned and the fuel stolen.

Mr Perry Finch, the Owner of the truck fleet decided to secure his Scania truck tanks with an anti siphon device, although many truck owners are wary of anti fuel theft products due to tank attack, Perry’s view was that a protection barrier is a worthwhile barrier to the opportunists fuel thief and will offer peace of mind no one can easily siphon a fuel tank.

Anti Fuel Theft Devices are relatively cheap to purchase and capable of withstanding regular and prolonged use.
aide automotive can be contacted via email or by phone – 0115 8456471


Fuel theft device to prevent thieves siphoning fuel from a vehicle

Fuel theft device to prevent thieves siphoning fuel from a vehicle

Truck Fuel Theft Alarm

June 3rd, 2015 Comments off

Anti Truck Fuel Theft Alarm Installed At TCC

TankGuard is the latest product to protect truck diesel from theft.

TankGuard the Anti Fuel Theft Alarm will activate once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with a Truck Fuel Tank.

Three Counties Contracts Ltd, based in Bedfordshire, are one of the UK’s most competitive general haulage companies due to our large nationwide customer base and our vast network of contacts.

TCC are always looking to improve the business efficiency and productivity, installing incident cameras and anti fuel theft measures improves the truck efficiency and keeps the fleet moving.

Tank Guard automatically arms after the ignition has been switched off for sixty seconds.

The TankGuard Fuel Theft Alarm is a relatively easy aftermarket installation with the option of adding a second sensor for dual fuel tanks.

aide automotive can be contacted via email or by phone – 0115 8456471


Stop Fuel Theft

TankGuard The Ultimate Anti Fuel Theft Alarm for Commercial Vehicle Fuel Tanks.

Diesel Fuel Spills

March 18th, 2015 Comments off

Truck Diesel Fuel Spills Reaches 500 Prohibitions

More than 500 immediate prohibitions have been issued to commercial vehicles for Spilling Diesel Fuel on the roads since the DVSA began to crack down on the problem last year.

Since September the DVSA has been issuing only immediate prohibitions for fuel system defects or diesel spillages. Offences likely to warrant an immediate prohibition include a missing or ineffective fuel cap or seal, a fuel leak caused by a defect or an insecure fuel tank.

A pilot scheme giving Highways Agency officers the power to stop vehicles and direct them to a DVSA site for inspection was a success,

A DVSA spokesman said. “The agency is currently looking for ways in which it could be rolled-out further.”

aide automotive have been marketing a Retro Fit Spill Valve for the TP Anti Siphon for the past 4 years.

Contact aide automotive on 0115 8456471 to review your fleet with the Anti Siphon and Diesel Spill Valve.


Diesel Fuel Spill

Fuel theft device that also prevents diesel spillage

Wrong Fuel Prevention With Diesel Head

February 26th, 2015 Comments off

Motorists are wasting millions of pounds due to mis fuelling, costing millions per year mis fuelling due to wrong fuel being flushed out, recovery, any work that has to be performed to correct damage to the vehicle, the cost of components and finally, re-fuelling the vehicle.

aide automotive ltd are now marketing the idea wrong fuel prevention product Diesel Head.

Diesel Head is easily and securely fitted to your fuel tank inlet, you will never accidentally wrong fuel and pump petrol into your diesel tank.

The strength of the Diesel Head anti-mis fuel device is its simplicity and one size fits almost all!

Diesel Head will fit a high percentage of vans and cars on UK roads, cost effective and easy to fit, take the worry out of wrong fuelling a diesel vehicle.

With a full fuel tank costing over £50 on most cars & vans, fuel theft is something that vehicle owners should review to safeguard. Should your vehicle not have a secure flap that can only be opened from inside the vehicle cabin or via your fob, you should consider the lockable Diesel Head.

To enquire further or to receive a fleet quote click on Wrong Fuel or to go to the dedicated Diesel Head Website click on

Wrong Fuel Prevention

Diesel Head can be purchased as a NON LOCKING cap or a Keyed Locking cap.

Truck Fuel Tank Alarm Price

February 19th, 2015 Comments off

TankGuard The Ultimate Anti Fuel Theft Alarm for Commercial Vehicle Fuel Tanks.

TankGuard is the latest product to protect truck diesel from aide automotive, this new fuel theft alarm will alarm once the fuel cap is removed or a potential thief tampers with the tank.


TankGuard Fuel Tank Alarm – £159.50 each

TankGuard With GSM Text Alert – £379.00 each (SIM card pay as u go, supplied by user)

For duel tank units you would require a second sensor, the price of a 2nd sensor is £75.00.

Read More at – Truck Fuel Tank Alarm

All prices are stated as UK sterling and exclude carriage & VAT.

Please do not hesitate to call or email if you wish to purchase any of our products.

Prices correct as of February 2015

Contact aide automotive for a fleet quote or if you have questions about Fuel Theft.

Call 0115 8456471

Stop Fuel Theft

Stop Fuel Theft With A Anti Siphon