aide Promote Brake & Diagnostics Through The Truck & Bus Email Focus.
The Truck & Bus Email Focus edition for Brake Servicing & Diagnostics featured aide automotive in March. With an email circulation of over 12,000, The Focus is an ideal product promotion vehicle to the commercial vehicle sector.
DVSA accept the use of an approved and calibrated decelerometer for truck brake testing, with the BrakeCheck Portable Decelerometer Printer kit, a workshop can meet the 3 additional required brake tests with minimum fuss. Click on BrakeCheck Deceleromter for further information.
For Trailer Servicing & Diagnostics, aide offer a complete trailer Electrical (ABS Light & EBS CAN Line Test), Light and Air Brake Tester with Diagnostics interface for Trailer ECU Code Reading / Clearing and management data viewing. Click on Trailer Diagnostics or Trailer Light & Air Tester for further information.
DiagnosticsTrailer Servicing
EBS/ABS Sensor testing can be conducted with the Sensor Master, while Battery Diagnostics Tests with a Midtronics MDX Battery Tester. Click on EBS Sensor Master or Midtronics MDX for further information.
EBS ABS Sensor TesterBattery Diagnostics Tester
aide automotive offer a range on commercial vehicle workshop products, call 0115 8456471 to enquire.
Sensor Tester for ABS or EBS