
Posts Tagged ‘Battery Testing’

Routine Battery Testing Avoids Costly Breakdowns

March 9th, 2009 Comments off

Faulty Or Flat Batteries Are One Of The AA’s Top Reasons For Call Outs

Costly call outs and breakdown fees can be avoided if battery servicing is carried out from these simple steps;

1) Test as regularly as possible to see if batteries need charging,

2) Charge batteries as frequently as possible to keep them healthy, prolonging their life span and avoiding roadside break downs.

Midtronics Battery Testers can be used on any type of vehicle from cars, to light or heavy commercial vehicles or motorcycles. A battery tester details the health and functionality of the battery. It identifies the efficiency  and reports on the state of charge, voltage and capacity. All Midtronic battery testers have the option to print a hard copy report  and can be recorded with the service sheet.

“Midtronics test method allows battery testing and diagnostic charging to be safer, faster, simpler and conducted in front of the customer. Each battery test takes just 7 seconds. Midtronics Battery Testers will provide a higher service level, increase battery revenue and efficient battery management for the workshop”, says Matthew Burke of aide automotive

It is a common myth that a vehicle recharges a battery while driving, however this is not true, it merely replaces the lost capacity used. A battery needs to be recharged fully to avoid breakdowns. Modern trucks power a lot of electrical items such as TV’s, microwaves and kettles while static. This will drain the battery and not replace the capacity so recharging is essential if the full life of a battery is to be maintained!

Click for more information on the Midtronics Battery Tester