Agricultural Trailer Light Tester
Agricultural Farming Trailer Light Tester
New Agri Trailer Light Tester – TestaTow
Improving on an earlier version of the Agricultural Trailer Light Tester, The New TestTow is a universal Towing tester.
Agricultural Farming Trailer Light Tester
New Agri Trailer Light Tester – TestaTow
Improving on an earlier version of the Agricultural Trailer Light Tester, The New TestTow is a universal Towing tester.
Brake & Diagnostic Products from aide automotive
Truck & Bus Product Focus Feature Brake Servicing & Diagnostics had a wealth of product information recently.
aide automotive launches improved ISOCheck
EBS ISOCheck Now Available In Addition To the ABS ISOCheck – Review Products Details & Buy Online
Commercial Vehicle Equipment Supplier aide automotive Has Launched An Updated Version Of The ISOCheck
ISOCheck tests a trucks’ ISO sockets in order to help identify ABS or EBS faults.
The latest iteration of the system – ISOCheck EBS – has been designed to test electronic braking systems incorporating a CAN line test.
“Trucks that were first used on or after 1 May 2002 must be fitted with A ISO 7638 connection,”
“If a truck is fitted with an Electronic Brake System, and is also towing a trailer that is fitted with EBS, then a 7-core cable must be used.
Like the ISOCheck ABS tester, ISOCheck EBS tests the ISO Socket 7638 pins 1 to 5, but also tests pins 6 and 7, the EBS CAN lines.
Alongside the standard ABS & EBS ISOChecks we can also offer a diagnostic EBS ISOCheck.
ISOCheck EBSPlus test pins 1 to 7, and identifies the exact pin at fault.
Once the initial power test is complete with a RED fault light, the ISOCheck will then go into diagnostic mode and flash a count sequence in relation to the faulty pin,
The ISOCheck product range has benefited from a complete redesign, incorporating the latest electronics technology which enables future proofing truck and trailer brake systems.
ISOCheck can be used to test all Wabco, Knorr-Bremse and Haldex systems, from the early generations to the latest.
Testing is simple and easy,
ISOCheck can be used in many ways: fault-finding by the roadside or as an inspection sheet test within a workshop.
ISOCheck really becomes the perfect test tool on a dark wet night. The quick test and the bright (GREEN) OK / (RED) FAULT indicator increases test and repair efficiency.
The system can also be used continuously between a unit and trailer as a constant visual aide.
To purchase the ISOCheck product range via our online PayPal shop – Click On Purchase ISOCheck Now!
More From Matthew Burke on 0115 8456471 or
Truck, Bus & Coach Brake Testing
Following The Bath Tipper Incident Inquiry HGV Brake Testing Essential
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For Christmas 2016 aide automotive are offering a GIVE AWAY deal!
ISOCheck Re Launch Coming Soon!
Prices Now Released For ISOCheck
aide automotive ltd will relaunch the latest version of the ISOCheck soon.
The latest ISOCheck EBS will test pins 1 to 5 and EBS 6 & 7!!
ISOCheck will be available in three lead options:
ISOCheck – ABS – Tests ABS Systems Pins 1 to 5
ISOCheck – EBS – Tests ABS Systems Pins 1 to 7
ISOCheck EBS Plus – EBS Plus Will Pin Point The Pin that is at fault, Pins 1 to 7
With the latest electronics technology and a redesigned PCB, this ISOCheck has the ability to move forward with trailer technology and future truck & trailer brake systems.
ISOCheck Pricing
ISOCheck – ABS – £139.00
ISOCheck – EBS – £149.00
ISOCheck EBS Plus – £199.00
All plus carriage & VAT.
Contact aide automotive for any questions via email – or phone 0115 8456471
TrailerCheck 4 Vans Has Many Advantages Over DIY Trailer Light Testers
ABS Tester For Bus & Coach
The EBS/ABS Sensor Master is an easy to use device which will confirm each EBS/ABS sensor is operational and effective. By connecting to the sensor socket on each wheel, individual sensor faults can easily be identified. The Master also tests the exciter ring and the distance between the ring and sensor.
Problems with EBS / ABS systems fitted to Coaches and buses, are best diagnosed via a vehicle’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU). However, since 80% of all EBS / ABS problems are sensor related, by connecting to the sensor socket on each wheel, you are, in effect, taking the quickest and most direct route.
The exciter ring is a critical part of an ABS system on a truck or trailer. Exciter rings are open to the elements and likely to corrode or suffer damage from road debris. Whatever the cause of damage to the ring or the disc itself may still have plenty of life left in it. By diagnosing that the problem is the exciter ring not the brake disc, workshops can save operators unnecessary costly repairs.
ABS and EBS systems use exciter rings for a wheel sensor to produce a voltage so the ECU can establish if the wheel is turning or not. The EBS/ABS Sensor Tester is an easy to use device which will confirm each sensor is operational and effective. By connecting to the sensor socket on each wheel, individual sensor faults can easily be identified. The EBS/ABS Sensor Tester tests the exciter ring and the distance between the ring and sensor.
Full vehicle diagnostic kits can cost a workshop thousands, however at only £245 (+VAT) the EBS/ABS Sensor Master is an economical solution saving money for both the business and the customer.
The EBS ABS Sensor Tester is one of aide automotive’s best selling products!
Click on ABS/EBS Sensor Master for more details or call aide automotive on 0115 8456471
aide automotive Introduce a NEW Workshop Trolley For The TrailerCheck
The TrailerCheck 4 Vans Commercial Trailer Air Brake And Light Tester is part of the TrailerCheck product range.
TrailerCheck has been installed in many commercial trailer repair vans around the UK in the last few years, but now aide automotive can offer a collapsible workshop trolley for easy commercial workshop trailer testing.
With 240 volt power supply options, the TrailerCheck can be used for multiple trailer bay MOT inspections or repair & fault finding diagnostics.