ABS/EBS Braking systems easily checked with ISOCheck
Finding a defective ABS in cab warning light means operators cannot afford to ignore ABS warnings especially as VOSA up their roadside checks. The ISOCheck Test Lead, is a simple device which quickly confirms the correct information is being supplied from the unit to the trailer and from the trailer to the unit.
Dri-Pak the household cleaning product company have recently purchased an ISOCheck from aide automotive and found it a great asset to their business. Ian their workshop manager says ISOCheck has increased the efficency of his delivery vehicles. Dri Pak use both their own vehicles and also sub contract drivers. They’ve experienced issues when a driver changes trailer and suddenly an ABS warning light appears. The difficultly lies in tracking down where the problem is, in the Truck or the Trailer? ISOCheck can quickly determine where the issue is so that the problem can be rectified! This simple solution takes the headache away from busy workshops.
aide automotive has a range of automotive products