Lincolnshire Police Warn of Increasing Fuel Thefts
Lincolnshire Police have urged businesses and individuals with large diesel stores to tighten security as the trend for fuel thefts gathers pace.
With the tax in fuel increasing in the recent months a spate of fuel thefts have been reported.
Spokesman for Lincolnshire Police James Newall said: “With oil and diesel prices rising, we are seeing a re-emergence of the trend for fuel thefts. “We do suffer from it quite badly. A lot of it involves criminals travelling in from neighbouring counties. “Commercial yards with a lot of vehicles are quite vulnerable. “It was a huge problem last year, but when prices dropped, so did the crime. “But it seems to have taken off again.”
Criminals crept on to the remote Rutland Oil Services site in Kings Cliffe Road, Wansford, near Peterborough, after workers had locked up for the weekend on Saturday, at 12.30pm. And on August 12, crooks broke into a vehicle compound in Frognall, near Market Deeping, to siphon diesel from fuel tanks.
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